Scientific papers (2017-2024)
Chafing behaviour from
two carcharhinid shark species Carcharhinus falciformis and C.
galapagensis on whale sharks Rhincodon typus,
Revista De Biología
Marina Y Oceanografía,
Pancaldi et al. 2023
Research priorities for the conservation of chondrichthyans in Latin America, Biological Conservation,
Becerril-García et al. 2022
the Gulf of California
in the Atlantic Ocean
Stable isotopes
provide evidence of a trophic shift in the lesser spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus
canicula from the Central Tyrrhenian Sea, Mediterranean Marine Science,
Reinero et al. 2023
in Guadalupe Island, Mexico
Scientific Reports
Becerril-García et al. 2020
in Guadalupe Island
New record and range
extension of the roughskin spurdog Cirrhigaleus asper in the Caribbean
Revista de Biología
Marina y Oceanografía,
Polanco et al. 2022
Steroid hormones and chondrichthyan reproduction:
physiological functions,
scientific research, and implications
for conservation
Becerril-García et al. 2020
of seasonal aggregations
of Aquatic Research
National Park, Mexico
'elusive' white shark